STD Glossary


Cause: Chlamydia is spread by having vaginal, oral or anal sex with a person infected with the chlamydia bacteria.

Symptoms: Many people have no symptoms, others have: discharge from the penis or vagina; a burning sensation when urinating; pain during intercourse; tender or swollen testicles; bleeding and pain between periods (in women).

Treatment: Oral antibiotics can cure chlamydia.

If left untreated: Increased risk of infection by another STD; risk of passing infection to others; can affect a woman’s fertility and ability to conceive; pregnant women can pass chlamydia on to their fetus.  

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Cause: Gonorrhea is spread by having vaginal, oral or anal sex with a person infected with the gonorrhea bacteria

Symptoms: Many people have no symptoms, others have: discharge from the penis or vagina; a burning sensation when urinating; pain during intercourse; tender or swollen testicles; bleeding and pain between periods (in women).

Treatment: Oral antibiotics can cure gonorrhea.

If left untreated: Increased risk of infection by another STD; risk of passing infection to others; can affect a woman’s fertility and ability to conceive; pregnant women can pass gonorrhea on to their fetus; can cause arthritis, blindness, heart disease and skin disease.

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Cause: Syphilis is spread by having vaginal, oral or anal sex with a person infected with the syphilis bacteria. Sometimes just touching the genitals of an infected person can cause transmission.

Symptoms: A single, painless sore on the genitals or mouth. Weeks later, a rash and flu-like symptoms may develop.

Treatment: Antibiotics can cure syphilis.

If left untreated: Can cause blindness, brain damage, heart damage and death; increased risk of infection by another STD; risk of passing infection to others; pregnant women can pass syphilis on to their fetus.

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Causes: Trichomoniasis is spread by having vaginal sex with a person infected with the trichomoniasis parasite.

Symptoms: Many people display no symptoms, others have: frothy, smelly discharge from the vagina; a burning sensation while urinating, burning or pain in the genitals; watery drip from the penis.

Treatment: Oral antibiotics can cure trichomoniasis.

If left untreated: Can cause prostate gland infections (in men); increased risk of pregnancy complications; increased risk of infection by another STD; risk of passing infection to others.

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Cause: HIV is spread by having vaginal, oral or anal sex or sharing needles with someone infected with the HIV virus. HIV can also be spread through exposure to the blood, semen or vaginal fluid of an HIV-infected person. Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers can pass the virus to their babies.

Symptoms: Most people don’t develop symptoms for several years. Symptoms can include: flu-like symptoms, fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, night sweats and yeast infections.

Treatment: There is no cure for HIV/AIDS, but there are medications to treat symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. Click here for more information.

If left ignored: The virus inhibits your body’s ability to fight off germs and disease, leading to infections, cancer and death. Pregnant mothers can pass the virus to their fetus. Those infected risk passing the disease on to others.

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Human Papillomavirus (HPV)/Genital Warts

Cause: HPV is spread by having vaginal, oral or anal sex with a person infected with HPV. It can also be spread through skin-to-skin genital touching with an infected person.

Symptoms: Many people display no symptoms. Some types of HPV cause warts on the sex organs and anus; itching or burning of the sex organs; and cell changes to the cervix in women.

Treatment: There is no cure for HPV. Warts can be removed, but may recur after removal. There is a vaccine for both males and females that can prevent infection.

If left ignored: Some strains go away on their own, while others cause cancer of the cervix, anus, throat or mouth. Pregnant women can pass the virus to their babies.

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Genital Herpes

Causes: Genital herpes is spread by having vaginal, oral or anal sex with a person infected with the herpes virus. It can also be spread by skin-to-skin genital contact with an infected person.

Symptoms: Some people have no symptoms, others have: small, painful blisters on the genitals or mouth and itching or burning of the sex organs.

Treatment: There is no cure for genital herpes. There is medication that can reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks.

If left ignored: You risk passing the virus to others; increased risk of infection by another STD; pregnant women can pass the virus to their fetus.

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Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

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Real Talk:
Get Vaccinated

Getting routine shots from your doctor is never fun, but protect yourself by getting vaccinated.

The HPV Vaccine is cancer prevention. Ask your doctor about what you can do to stay safe, or call 865-215-5150 to schedule a vaccination appointment at the Health Department.